Tuesday 12 June 2012

Cows like to Moo (:

MOO... the phrase that every cow says. When a cow says this it means he is showing his emotions, and deep loving feelings.  Cows say this ALL over the cow world. So like humans they speak different language, this is the translation off moo and how to say it in different languages.
 How to say "moo" in eleven languages:

Danish - Muuh
Finnish - Ammuu
French - Meuh
German - Muh
Hebrew - Go'eh
Italian - Mu!
Japanese - Mo (as in "mow" the grass)
Norwegian - Mo
Portuguese - Muuu
Swedish - Muu
Welsh - Moo 

Monday 11 June 2012

Creative Cows : Intro

Hi I am Christina. I love animals, I decided to blog about cows because they are one of the most I guess "Under-rated" animals. All people think they do is "Moo", chew on grass and make milk and cow pies. BUT I will be informing you why we should appreciate these crazy yet creative animals. My blog will be telling you the awesome thing & facts about cows. 
I hope you enjoy !